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Peaceful Journey by Matthew Binkkowitz

Peaceful Journey by Matthew Binkkowitz
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"Peaceful Journey by Matthew Binkkowitz"
A Hospice Chaplain's Guide to End of Life
Price: $19.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 1026
Author: Binkewicz, Matthew P.
Average Rating: Not Rated

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by Matthew P. Binkewicz

Peaceful Journey examines the spiritual issues facing terminally ill patients and their families. Each chapter introduces the reader to a person with a spiritual issue that needs immediate attention.

The book opens with the story of an 85-year-old African-American woman who wonders if God hears her prayers. Other chapters explore loneliness, isolation, the dignity and value of every human being, honesty and openness, patience and persistence, why pain and suffering exist, the actual death and the soul's journey, and the importance of dreams, visions, and other end-of-life phenomena.

The author graduated from Christ the Savior Russian Orthodox Seminary with a B.Th. and from the Catholic University of America with a M.A. in theology. He began working with the terminally ill in 1991 as a theology student.

After his ordination to the priesthood in 1994, he began to provide spiritual care for his parishoners as well as hospice patients. He is now the Pastoral Care Coordinator and Bereavement Coordinator at Hospice of the Finger Lakes in Auburn, NY.

For additional information about the author go to:

(151 pp., paperback, ISBN # 0-9766973-0-0; 2005)

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