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Latino Link by Joe Kutchera

Latino Link by Joe Kutchera
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"Latino Link by Joe Kutchera"
Building Brands Online with Hispanic Communities and Content
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Item #: 1068
Author: Kutchera, Joe
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by Joe Kutchera

An amazing convergence is happening in marketing today: the growth of the U. S. Hispanic population and the growth of digital media. Hispanics increasingly use the internet to keep in touch with family and friends, anywhere in the world. They search for product information. They compare prices, print coupons, and shop online.

Is your brand ready?

Joe Kutchera outlines the issues that your company needs to understand in order to successfully cater to Hispanic consumers online, including shopping behavior, social networks, translation, localization, and  emerging mobile platforms. In addition, the author illustrates how marketers can grow their businesses virtually to reach Spanish-speakers in Latin America.

Case studies in the book detail the experiences of Best Buy, Amereican Family Insurance, H&R Block, Ford Motor Company,  Lexicon Marketing, and  Monster.

Each chapter ends with a succinct summary of Lessons Learned.

Table of Contents

Introduction:  Latino Link: Unifying Audiences through Communities and Content

Chapter 1.  Soccer without Borders (in an Absolut World)

Case Study: Lexicon Marketing-Building a Branded Social Network for U.S. Hispanics

Chapter 2.  Findability in Spanish

Case Study: H&R Block by Angela Malloy

Chapter 3.  The Great Unifiers on the Web: Language, Culture . . . and Shopping

Case Study: Best Buy en Espanol by Ana Grace

Chapter 4.  $40 Billion in Spending from the "Invisible Shoppers"

Research: U.S. Hispanics-A Proxy for Understanding the Mexican e-commerce Market by Roxana Strohmenger and Tamara Barber

Chapter 5.  Lessons in Social Media

Research: Why U.S. Hispanics Use Social Networking Sites by Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

Chapter 6.  Organize Your Team and Align Its Goals

Case Study: Monster: Managing a Global Brand en Espanol by John Hyland

Chapter 7.  Which "Flavor" of Spanish for the Worldwide Web?

Case Study: Developing an Online Latino by Jose A. Rivera

Chapter 8.  Localizing Your Website for Latinos

Research: You Can't Find Treasure Without a Map by Pedro Mujica

Chapter 9.  Targeting Latina Moms Online

Case Study: Ford: Tu Voz en Tu Vide by Dave Rodriguez and Maylinn De La Maza

Chapter 10.  Reaching Latinos with Content

Chapter 11.  The Future Today: Mobile Platforms en Espanol

Case Study: Promoting American Family Insurance on Mobile Platforms by Jose A. Rivera

Appendix with survey research



About the Author

(216 pages,  paperback, ISBN 9780981986982;  September 2010)

Also available for Amazon Kindle

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