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WIN! the Hispanic Market by M. Isabel Valdes

WIN! the Hispanic Market by M. Isabel Valdes
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"WIN! the Hispanic Market by M. Isabel Valdes"
Strategies for Business Growth
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Item #: 1077
Author: Valdés, M. Isabel
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by M. Isabel Valdes

Every businessperson, from the boardroom to the mom-and-pop retailer, knows that without customer growth, there is little hope of business growth. In the United States today, the most growth is coming from customers of Hispanic origin and projections are that the trend will continue. Hispanics are younger, have more children, and are still forming new households.

Corporations that “right-size” the growth opportunity and invest appropriately when it comes to their Hispanic customers increase their shareholder value and have continued success in the marketplace. The top experts who contributed to this book demonstrate how to do it right.

WIN! the Hispanic Market: Strategies for Business Growth by M. Isabel Valdés, a pioneer in in-culture marketing and strategy, taps into the expertise of more than a dozen contributors, from Wall Street executives to advertising and retail experts. Her expert collaborators (in order of appearance) include:

Carlos F. Orta, President and CEO, Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility (HACR)

Steve Moya, Santiago Solutions Group

Michael Klein and David Wellisch, co founders of Latinumnetwork

Jessica Pantanini, COO Bromley Communications and President of Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA)

Carlos Santiago, CEO, of Santiago Solutions Group

Gabriela Alcántara-Diaz, President/Strategist , GADMarketingCommunications, Inc.

Cesar Melgoza, CEO and founder, Geoscape

Marie Quintana, SVP, Multicultural Marketing and Sales, PepsiCo

Donald Longo, Editorial Director, Stagnito Media, Hispanic 360 Summit

Douglas Darfield, SVP of Hispanic Services, Nielsen Media

Roberto Orci, CEO, Acento Advertising

Lucia Ballas-Traynor, SVP, Café Media

Martha Montoya, President, Los Kitos Entertainment

Lee Vann, CEO, Captura Group

Federico Subervi, Texas State University-San Marcos, Professor and Director, Center for the Study of Latinos and Media & Markets

Carlos Garcia, SVP, KnowledgeNetworks

Derene Allen, Managing Partner, Santiago Solutions Group

Topics include:

WHY Wall Street should respond to a strong, well-thought-out Hispanic strategy;

HOW to conduct research with acculturated and unacculturated Hispanic consumers so that none are left out; 

WHY your Hispanic initiative needs to be properly staffed by people who understand Hispanic culture;

WHY you need to make a realistic assessment of your business potential with acculturated and unacculturated Hispanic customers so that your efforts are not disappointing;

HOW you can marry census data with new technologies like geo-segmentation to put your efforts where they will have the best ROI;

WHY and HOW to use social media, and why you may have to rethink your distribution channels if you are serious about finding your missing customers.

(208 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9830436-8-3; 2012)

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