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Refocusing Focus Groups: A Practical Guide by Robert Morais
Refocusing Focus Groups: A Practical Guide by Robert Morais
A quick, but seriously helpful guide to the best practices for planning, designing, conducting, and interpreting focus groups that draws upon techniques from psychology and anthropology.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Stir It Up! by Laurie Tema-Lyn
Stir It Up! by Laurie Tema-Lyn
Fresh ideas for exercises to use with focus groups, and meeting facilitation
5 out of 5 Stars!
The Kids Market: Myths & Realities by James U. McNeal
The Kids Market: Myths & Realities by James U. McNeal
The classic guide to kids' marketing research
5 out of 5 Stars!
Marketing to the New Super Consumer Mom & Kid by Tim Coffey, David Siegel, and Greg Livingston
Marketing to the New Super Consumer Mom & Kid by Tim Coffey, David Siegel, and Greg Livingston
Today's moms are not the ones you thought you knew!
4 out of 5 Stars!
The Great Tween Buying Machine by David Siegel, Tim Coffey, and Greg Livingston
The Great Tween Buying Machine by David Siegel, Tim Coffey, and Greg Livingston
Marketing to today's tweens
After Sixty by Leslie M. Harris and Michelle Edelman
After Sixty by Leslie M. Harris and Michelle Edelman
Marketing to Baby Boomers Reaching Their Big Transition Years, introduction by Lori Bitter
What Kids Buy and Why
What Kids Buy and Why
The Psychology of Marketing to Kids
$30.00 $15.00
Branded Male
Branded Male
Marketing to Men
$39.95 $29.95
The Blockbuster Toy
The Blockbuster Toy
A great source for anyone who wants to understand how toys make their special impact on child development
$24.00 $9.95
The 4Cs of Truth in Communications by Isabelle Albanese
The 4Cs of Truth in Communications by Isabelle Albanese
How to Identify, Discuss, Evaluate and Present Stand-out, Effective Communication
Starting with the Shopper by Scott Young
Starting with the Shopper by Scott Young
Trends in technology to learn more about shopper behavior, plus insights in how packaging works to attract consumers
Multicultural Intelligence 2nd Edition by David R. Morse
Multicultural Intelligence 2nd Edition by David R. Morse
Eight Make-or-Break Rules for Marketing to Race, Ethnicity, and Sexual Orientation Updated and Revised 2nd Edition
$34.95 $29.95